Ok Medium. I take you seriously.
My medium journey started quite soon, but I took it exceptionally soft. I write articles and read many articles of other writers. I read that few writers can earn 1000 dollars, some of them even more, around 5000 dollars and 1 percent of writers around 30 000 dollars. I think it is pretty crazy, right ?
I have started posting my articles in the September 2020. I wrote articles mainly about certificates which I passed. I did not have time and write around one essay per month. I am not lazy, but I did not have time. After six months, when I graduated. I have to say finally. I came back to a medium page and read lots of articles about programming, startups, technologies, books, etc. On Medium, I found lots of outstanding writers with unbelievable skills in their fields and writing. As a doctor of philosophy, I had to write lots of articles, and I finally found the better option how to use my skills in writing.
During the last month of 2021, I started to think about the side-hustle. I had few ideas about the other types of side-hustle, but each of them was almost a crime. I would not say I like tight spaces, and I don’t want to go to jail, so I left it at that, and I focused on writing articles. At the beginning of December, I had only 33 followers, and I would not earn money if I did not have 100 followers on Medium. I started writing articles daily and followed people who lacked followers as I had.
Let’s see the statistics in table 1. In the beginning, you can see that I did not take writing seriously, but with increasing followers, I started to see the sense of writing. The break happens in march 2020 when I earn my first money. Yeah, it is just 0.81$, but it has just begun my road. During the following months, I had to finalize my dissertation paper and defend the paper, so I did not have time for writing. But the idea to become a top write has been in my had. During September, I write and read several articles and want to figure out the topics people like to read or what articles are more commented on. I spent three months investigating the behaviour of readers on Medium.
The first month when I started to take Medium seriously was December 2021. I began to increase statistics, and I wondered if I could earn more than 5 dollars during the month. As you can see in table 1, I reached around 9 dollars, and 194 people started following me. By the way, thank you to all my followers. The most important thing about writing articles in several fields is to check statistics. I am lucky because I like to write about several topics, and readers do not read the issues in specific areas. It is a waste of time to read about that topics.
What did I learn from writing articles during my profound interest in Medium? The key is consistency. First advice: Try to write one essay per day. Ok, I do not have time to write articles during my week, but I prepare five reports during Saturday and Sunday and create a draft on Medium. During the week, I post my prepared article. Second advice: Check the statics. On Medium, you have the opportunity to check the statistics of your written articles. Medium pays you for reading, not for the number of pieces. Do not waste your time writing articles that read 5 or 10 people.